Information courtesy of Lois Ann Onorato
Dr. George W. Sibbold was the first physician to practice in Milliken. He arrived in Milliken in 1909 from Denver and moved into the house built for Judge Milliken at 119 South Frances Avenue. Dr. Sibbold was appointed for the Denver, Laramie & Northwestern Railway to Denver. His first week proved to be a busy one. William Francis, apparently a member of the railway’s construction gang, suffered a dislocated ankle and a crushed foot. Sam Collins suffered a badly crushed and sprained wrist, and Bud Reed developed a bad attack of pneumonia. Dr. Sibbold stayed in Milliken only for a short time returning to Denver in February, 1910.
The year 1910 marked a flurry of new doctors in town. In March Dr. E. H. Bidwell arrived from Connecticut. Another physician, Dr. Grantham, arrived in 1910. Apparently neither of these physicians stayed for very long; however, when the third physician showed up, he stayed until his death 47 years later.
Dr. Fuson
Dr. Fuson's House & Hospital
Dr. Fuson's Roll Top Desk
*located in the Heritage House Museum
Compiled by Milliken Historical Society
Like any story, the juicier the better! So goes the “story” of the town’s purpose and especially the naming of the streets in this cozy, little community. You’ve heard it before. The question is, Fact or Fiction? Maybe it would be wise to learn a little more about the history of this town.
On July 10, 1909 a town plat was filed for this small developing community born out of the emergence of the Denver, Laramie and Northwestern Railway Company. The town of Milliken became an official name on the State of Colorado map January 6, 1910.
In actuality the town had its original source from the settlement of Hillsboro which was established from land donations located in the southwest corner of the current Highway 60/ Quentine Avenue intersection. The people of Hillsboro had named their streets, had a general store/post office, developed businesses and organized a school, but once the railroad came to town, growth took another turn, and the little community of Hillsboro, formed around 1905, was annexed into the new settlement of Milliken.
Broad Street of Hillsboro, CO in 1910
Scranton House and Miners Saloon (first two buildings on the left side of photo)
Part of present-day Milliken includes the former settlement of Hillsboro, which was situated on the western edge of Milliken near the northeast corners of what is now Quentine Avenue (containing CO Hwy. 257) and Broad Street. Evidence of the settlement can be traced back to at least 1864, when Hillsboro Precinct #3 was established (Shwaydedr, v. 5, pg. 203). In 1870, 75 people lived in the precinct, which "covered the area along the Big Thompson River from the Weld-Larimer County line east to about where (present-day) Milliken is today." In 1890, its population was 460, and by 1910, it had grown to 830 people. Ten years later, :it became the Milliken Precinct No 3" (Shywayer, v. 5, pg. 203). For those who may have seen the name spelled "Hillsborough," it appears that this spelling was used at some point. On December 4, 1891, the name of the post office was changed from Hillsborough, Weld County, Colorado to Hillsboro, Weld County, Colorado. Residents also remember a Hillsborough community north of Johnstown, which is possibly the same one that Shwayder refers to in a post office reference.
First Train Comes with 650 People
The Milliken Mail, Special Opening Day Edition, January 6, 1910
Under some of the most trying circumstances the Denver, Laramie railroad has arrived at Milliken and is headed for Greeley and ultimately Wyoming, where it is planned to build another large town. But it is Milliken we wish to particularly discuss at this time. The country surrounding where Milliken is built and upon which it must depend for support to a certain extent is the richest farm land lying out of doors. This is all an old-producing anwell-irrigated country and the arrival of the road will bring hundreds of people to make their homes here and help develop a bonanza in farming lands. If you are looking for a healthful climate dear reader, we have it here, also the opportunity to make an easy living and some big money besides. Come and live in the shadow of the mighty Rockies. The scenery in these mountains is unsurpassed, and they are only a few hours drive from Milliken. Thousands of people come to Colorado during the summer months to escape the intense heat of the Middle and Eastern states. Come here to make your home and you will have an ideal climate the year round. The name Colorado is derived from an Indian word meaning "color red," or in other words, red blood. The Coloradoan enjoys conditions for the making of pure, red blood that residents of few other state possess. The air and water are of the purest, and these two elements alone are of great consideration.